To stick the glasses together, lay the base glass plate on the level surface of a table after cleaning the surface with surgical sprit or glass cleanser , apply silicon gum with a gun along the edge of the base plate and then keep the side glass plate on the base plate and press tight. Get somebody to help you by holding the glass plate and apply gum along the narrow side of the base plate and press tight. Now you can stick packing cello tape to keep the two glass panes to keep steady and prevent falling out. Then stick the other narrow part doing the same procedure. Sticking the other long plate of glass is easy as three sides of the tank support this one to prevent falling out. Secure the tank by sticking packing tapes around it. After 1 hour apply silicon gum along every corner of the fish tank and smooth the filling running your finger along the corner and pressing lightly. After three days the fish tank is ready to be filled with water. Fill quarter of the tank with water and let it stay that way until the next day. In for days you can fill the tank to the desired level.
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