Sunday, August 15, 2010

Rearing fish in tanks.

I started with Swordtails and Platys. They are easy to rear and don't need aeration and they are live bearers. I used gravel  bought from an aquarium as substrate and used Valisnaria and Hydrilla as plants. After few months Platys produced the first batch of fry. I seperated them from the tank because the parents would eat their fry if they are left in the tank. I fed the fry with a pinch of boild egg yolk everday for a week and then intropduced crushed fish food and they thrived. Later I introduced black molleys in to the tank and they are peacful and very active kind of fish and would not harm the other fish in the tank. Molleys also are live bearers.

I began rearing gold fish afterwards. I bought my first pair of gold fish from an aquarium for 200 Rs. I didn't know that gold fish need more oxygen then. After few days fish began to swim on surface . They were restless, they opened and shut their mouths in quick succession and produced the foamy substance on the surface. The acquarist instructed me to use an aerator. I bought and aerator and gravel filter from him and fixed them. The fish became calm and began swimming in the tank again.


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